Health consciousness is rapidly growing on a global level, especially within the Muslim population. Our signature product “Essentials” was designed help you to achieve a
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Optimise cellular growth, improve stress resistance, support stable blood sugar levels and strengthen your immune system.
An added benefit of this formulation involves its ability to promote and maintain strong, natural hair, nails, and skin as well as enhanced energy levels and mood
Vitamin D
Halal health®
Biotin & B12
You’ll also notice that "Essentials" only provides servings that are higher than the recommended daily allowance for Vitamin D (lack of consistent daylight exposure)1, Biotin
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We capped most ingredients at 100% of the RDA.That allows to add some additional ingredients like Glutathione (to slow down the ageing process)4, Bamboo extract
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This means „Essentials“ is able to bridge the gap between your normal nutrient intake through food and the servings your body needs on a daily basis to maintain optimal health.
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Halal Certification is the process of having a qualified independent third party supervise the production of consumables, attesting that they were produced in conformity with the preparation and ingredient standards of the halal lifestyle.
Halal Certification ESMA (UAE) / GSO (GCC)
If you are a 1 st time user or you are new to dietary supplements you can be reassured that Essentials
is manufactured under the highest safety and hygienic standards.
The manufacturing process is constantly monitored by quality control procedures. In addition each Essential bottle is sealed and the supply chain is supervised by internationally recognised transport agencies to ensure the highest quality as well as the responsible handling of our products.
Furthermore the tablets are heat resistant and can withstand high temperatures, including the hottest summer days anywhere on the globe. However, the containers are never exposed to direct sunlight
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In terms of the best time to take this supplement some people prefer their daily dose early in the morning, while others take it around lunch time or in the evening. The serving size is conveniently
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For whatever reason you miss a dose, don’t panic. Our bodies are smart and can easily adapt. Therefore, there is no need to double the dose if you miss one.
Anytime of the day either with or
without food,
1st 2 Tablets early in the morning before fasting, 2nd 2 Tablets in the evening after breaking the fast.
A Vitamin D deficiency is typically associated with excessive fatigue and tiredness but can also be linked to a myriad of other health problems such as getting sick easily, experiencing low bone mineral density, muscle pain and hair loss.
Accordingly a recent study that was published in the Journal of Adolescent Health demonstrated that 96% of adolescents in Saudi Arabia have a severe Vitamin D deficiency (AlBuhairan, F. et al. Time for an Adolescent Health Surveillance System in Saudi Arabia: Findings from “Jeeluna” Journal of Adolescent Health, 2015).
Adequate amounts of Vitamin D cannot be obtained from a normal diet and a limited amount is produced by our bodies through exposure to the sunlight.
Due to our life style choices and religious beliefs we do not expose ourselves to the sun long enough to promote optimal Vitamin D production in the body.
Furthermore, the body does not readily process Vitamin D. So in order to improve the body‘s ability to use Vitamin D and to be on the safe side, we increased the serving to 150% of the RDA.
We want to make sure that your body gets the right balance of vitamins, minerals and other ingredients in order for it to function optimally and support you during your daily tasks and lifestyle.
In addition, If you look up all the ingredients provided by “Essentials” you will see that you are basically getting the content of 3-4 supplements in the form of 1.
We experienced many customers not wanting to “touch” the tablets and put them back into the bottle (hands moist after washing, hand sanitiser/crème, etc.).
With a standard bottle neck size you would need to “shake” the tablet out of the bottle usually getting more than 1 tablet on your hand. As the serving size is 1 tablet you will put but the remaining tablets back into the bottle.
With the wide neck you can conveniently single pick your individual tablet. Other customers prefer to “shake” the tablet(s) into the cap and pick it from there.
By the time you hold your Multi Vitamin & Mineral in your hands it will most likely have travelled at least half around the world going through various altitude
and climate zones. To make sure the product reaches you in the utmost pristine condition we opted for a so called heat seal packaging process which ensures a hermetic and water tight (think condensation, etc.) seal. The slightly disadvantage is that by its nature it is a little bit harder to open for the 1st time. It takes a little bit more effort to turn the lid open for the 1st time and once you see the seal you can either peel it from the outside in or pinch it in the center and peel it inside out. You can also pinch the center with an object (scissors, knife, fork, etc.). Don’t worry about damaging the tablets as there is cotton wool and plenty of space in-between the tablets and the seal for further safety.
“Essentials” is truly halal certified by the internationally recognized organization IFANCA which is the biggest in its field certifying for hundreds of companies worldwide.
This means that not only are the ingredients and the finished product halal-certified but so is the complete manufacturing process with on-site visits.
Only truly IFANCA certified companies like ourselves are allowed to prominently display the IFANCA certification stamp on their product. For more information about IFANCA please visit www.ifanca.org.
Blue Angel Farm is an owner run business. This means instead of focusing on quantity we concentrate on quality.
We also make sure that all our ingredients are carefully studied and that their health benefits are scientifically as well as clinically proven (please contact feedback@blueangelfarm.com in case you can‘t access the literature links provided for further reading).
We are currently working on additional products but we will never introduce a product to market until we are 100% convinced about its effectiveness and proven health benefits for our customers.
Many customers find it confusing and a hassle to take different health supplements from different bottles and at different times during the day. In line with our 1 serving/day approach we were able to add above ingredients to our Multivitamin without increasing the serving size. These health supplement ingredients are not yet as well researched as vitamins and minerals but 1st studies about their benefits are promising. Link to the library “other ingredients“.