LAST UPDATED: 24.12.2020
Once you place the order after checking out at your cart, the shipment will be shipped towards the desired destination. We provide a very secure and clear delivery policy where you will be given all the information regarding your order. From the shipment details, including the shipment number, real-time status to the expected delivery date, everything will be shared with you.
We collaborate with some of the finest shipping packaging providers in the industry. In order to keep your order intact and safe during the delivery, we use high-quality packaging material and also take all preventive measures so that it will reach you without being harmed or damaged.
Important information regarding Address
You have to remind us of any changes to your address within 24 hours of making the purchase. 24 hours after your order placing / after the package is delivered, you will not make any updates to your address.
We ask you to place separate orders with each shipping address if you wish to send several goods to different addresses.
There are certain delivery companies that charge a premium for incorrect shipping addresses, whereby the address and zip code don’t really match; please ensure your shipping address is correct. The client will pay the burden of all such penalties/fees. Consumers will be responsible for paying re-shipping costs for the reshipment in the case of a reshipment of the very same order.
Make sure that whenever the delivery is attempted, someone is there to retrieve the package, as packages would be left at the door in certain countries if someone is not present to accept the package or no one answers the doorbell. In such situations, our courier agents would not be able to provide proof of delivery signs made.
The Billing Address is the address from which a client sends his bills. The mailing address is a unique identifier where the customer wishes his shipment to be sent. Notice that, based on the customer’s preference, all addresses are the same or different.
Shipping Charges
For delivery of the product you have purchased, we offer free delivery for the items above a certain amount. But less than that price, every product will be delivered with an additional shipping cost as per your location and our shipping partner there.
Delays in Delivery
Those are predictive & estimated. Based on item supply and other variables, only prices and goods can be delivered sooner or later on a case-by-case basis as well. Delivery time is sensitive to circumstances beyond its control, including unforeseen travel disruptions due to weather conditions and strikes by our courier partners and transporters. We will keep you up to date on your order status, including delays, if any. There will be no redemption, returns, substitution & swap for this reason. We may decide to deliver the shipment in sections as well. In any case, we could only cancel the unshipped component of the shipment if you want to cancel the order.
Product Availability
We make a concerted effort to ensure that the goods listed on our website are available in stock and that the displayed prices are right. We will contact you within a period of 5 working days from the date you make the purchase in the unfortunate event that we are unable to deliver your order or substitution due to non – availability of the commodity in our stock.
Within 24 hours of putting the order, we will be able to accept order modifications or cancelation orders. Unfortunately, until they are processed, we will not revoke orders.
Custom Duties
Our power is not about Custom Taxation and Import Duties. Similar to the laws in various countries, they vary and must be paid directly by the customer. Our purchasing procedure does not require Custom Taxes and Import Duties but can be paid to you by your country.
For any customs or duty charges imposed by their jurisdiction, foreign customers are liable. As laws differ widely from country to nation, we have no influence over these charges and will not foresee when they will occur.
They are your responsibility completely. Any extra service costs over and above custom duties can also be paid by the delivery firm on a case-by-case basis.
Lost In transit
We deliver our packages to our customers, fully insured. If the Courier firm fails to deliver, there is no loss for you. Since being dropped at the customer’s address by the postal / delivery agency, we will also not be liable for lost/stolen packages or any complete or minor harm to the package.
We wait for 15 days if a package is lost in transit and then reprocess the same request. We can ask you to either take a reimbursement or choose an alternative product in case a substitute is not accessible with the same design